
Linking Genetics with Culture Through the Motherland

About Us

What is Revoiye?

This is the product of when you combine what started as an individual with questions and the vast resources buried on the web. Since  2014 that individual took those resources and questions to forums and e-mails to seek and provide context they and others were starved of. Though there was progress in understanding since then, it had been seldom when it came to what mattered to some. Those who maintained a certain line of reasoning and or questioning had been drowned out  due to erroneous factors. This is why we’re here now; as there is potential for more to be answered once the voices who question grows louder


We cannot fully understand the emergence of towns and complex society in India (for example) if we dont take into account the fundamental African contribution early on to the agricultural ways of life in the subcontinent, most notably the Indus Valley.

– Christopher Ehret, “Ancient Africa: Crops, Commerce and the Export of Innovation.”


The Plan

Enjoy access to excerpts written by independent researchers not filtered by any cooperation or university. You can expect to get live updates on the blog page after any interesting revisions and novel findings in the fields of Archaeology, Genetics, Biochemistry, Anthropology and more.

A project to increase our library of resources including more populations for empircal analysis and a collection of pre-published or hidden metrics for reference. Your involvement can help in building a database of which we can explore on a deeper level. 

Part of the goal is to not live and perish withholding information others might find useful. Here we plan to assist you by giving tutorials, sharing links, and publishing resources for you to reference.  


Explore the origins and diversity of humankind starting with the Hadza tribe of East Africa in this twenty episode series, “History of Africa – with Zeinab Badawi.”